Creative Domain Names: Some Clever Alternative Methods

The web’s been around for quite some time if you really think about it, the first domain name was registered on 15th March 1985, yes, some 23 Years ago! That means that any idea you have for a domain name today has been through someone else mind up to 23 years before you. Here are some clever ideas..

Are you looking for the best places online where to find free ebooks? Take a look at the following resources that allow you to quickly find everything you need.

How the iPad could change the face of the web

When in 2007 Apple launched the iPhone not only reinvented the phone but it also introduced a revolutionary user experience that has changed definitively the way to browse the Web with a mobile device then before.

Social Media is “media designed to be disseminated through social interaction, created using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques” (Wikipedia), and if that doesn’t make sense I don’t blame you.

25 free Mac apps that will boost your productivity

There are many applications that can help you work faster and efficiently. Though, not many applications come cheap. For this post we tried to digg deep to find the best selection of free and/or open source Mac applications that will help you be a more efficient designer. We’re covering from application launchers, GTD (Getting Things Done) to design utilities that can help you focus on what’s important: create.
